According to the driving force
The driving force of slider can be divided into mechanical type and hydraulic type, so the punch press can be divided into two types according to the driving force used:
(1) Mechanical Power Press
(2) Hydraulic Press
The mechanical punch is mostly used in the stamping process of common sheet metal. Hydraulic punch press according to the use of different liquids, there are hydraulic punch and hydraulic punch, the use of hydraulic punch is the majority, hydraulic punch is mostly used for giant machinery or special machinery.
Classification by slider motion
There are single-action, double-action and triple-action punches classified according to the movement mode of slider. Nowadays, the single-action punch with one slider is the most widely used. The double-action and triple-action punches are mainly used in the extension processing of automobile body and large-scale processing parts, and the number of them is very small.
Classification by slider driving mechanism
(1) Crank Press
A punch using crankshaft mechanism is called a crankshaft punch. Firstly, a crankshaft punch and most of the mechanical punches.
Use this institution. The reason why crankshaft mechanism is used most is that it is easy to make, and can correctly determine the end position under the stroke, and the slider movement curve is basically applicable to various processing. Therefore, this type of stamping is applicable to punching, bending, stretching, hot forging, warm forging, cold forging and almost all other punching processes.
(2) Crankless Press
Crankless punch is also called eccentric gear punch. Fig. 2 is eccentric gear punch. As shown in Table 2, the function of crankshaft punch and eccentric gear punch is better than that of crankshaft in shaft rigidity, lubrication, appearance and maintenance, but the disadvantage is that the price is higher. The eccentric gear punch is more advantageous when the stroke is longer, and the crankshaft punch is better when the stroke of the special punch is shorter, so the small machine and the high-speed punch are also the fields of the crankshaft punch.
(3) Knuckle Press
The use of elbow mechanism in slider drive is called elbow punch, as shown in Fig. 3. This kind of punch has a unique slider movement curve that the slider speed near the lower dead point will become extremely slow (as measured by the crankshaft punch), as shown in Figure 4. It also correctly determines the dead-point position under the stroke. Therefore, this kind of punch is suitable for compression processing such as embossing and finishing, and nowadays cold forging is the most widely used.
(4) Friction Press
The punch which uses friction drive and screw mechanism in track drive is called friction punch. This kind of punch is the most suitable for forging and crushing operations. It can also be used for bending, forming, stretching and other processing. It has a versatile function. Because of its low price, it was widely used before the war. Nowadays, it is gradually being eliminated because it is impossible to determine the terminal position under the stroke, poor processing accuracy, slow production speed, overload when controlling operation errors, and skilled technology is needed in use.
(5) Screw Press
The use of screw mechanism in slider drive mechanism is called screw punch (or screw punch).
(6) Rack Press
Rack punch is used in slider drive mechanism with rack and pinion mechanism. Spiral punch and rack punch have almost the same characteristics, and their characteristics are roughly the same as those of hydraulic punch. Formerly used for pressing bushes, debris and other articles, squeezing oil, bundles, and cartridge case extrusion (hot extrusion processing), but now has been replaced by hydraulic punch, unless very special circumstances are no longer used.
(7) Link Press
The punch which uses various connecting rod mechanisms in slider driving mechanism is called connecting rod punch. The purpose of using linkage mechanism is to keep the stretching speed within the limit while reducing the processing cycle. By reducing the speed change of the stretching process, the speed of approaching the stroke from the top dead point to the starting point of the processing and returning stroke from the bottom dead point to the top dead point can be accelerated, so that it has a higher speed than the crankshaft punch. Shorter cycle to improve productivity. Since ancient times, this kind of punch has been used for the deep extension of cylindrical containers, with narrow bed surface, and for the processing of automobile body panels and wider bed surface.
(8) Cam Press
The punch which uses the cam mechanism in the slider driving mechanism is called the cam punch. This punch is characterized by a properly made cam shape so that the desired slider motion curve can be easily obtained. But because the nature of the cam mechanism is difficult to convey greater strength, so this kind of punch ability is very small.