There are two kinds of cutting fluids for CNC machining of product parts: Oil-based cutting fluid and water-based cutting fluid. Precision parts processing is a kind of accessories widely used in automobile, communication, medical treatment, clocks, mobile phones, computers and other industries. Different from ordinary parts, precision parts are more precise and more suitable for some industries with high requirements for precision. Micropore processing less than 2 nm is called micropore. The pore size of some catalysts is usually described. Micropore processing is difficult, especially for micropores with a diameter of less than 1mm. However, many mechanical products have this microporous structure. CNC machining feed machining route refers to the turning tool from the tool setting point (or the fixed origin of the machine tool) starts to move until it returns to this point and ends the processing program, including the cutting path and non cutting empty stroke paths such as tool cut in and cut out. The cutting fluid used for CNC processing of product parts can be divided into cutting oil, emulsion, semi synthetic fluid and synthetic fluid, cutting oil, emulsion (sometimes referred to as soapy water) and synthetic fluid (commonly known as environment-friendly fluid), synthetic fluid may be commonly used, but little is known about how to select cutting fluid in the machining process. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of each cutting fluid.
- Cutting oil for CNC machining of product parts. Very high physical lubrication B is suitable for low speed, less cutting allowance C surface finish and provides excellent service.
- CNC processing emulsion is used for product parts: advantages: multi metals have good safety and good lubricity. The advantages of this method are: good rust prevention, easy sewage treatment, disadvantages: increase the dosage; emulsify the sewage oil at the same time. The odor is not well controlled. The equipment is very dirty. The stability of hard water is very poor. The filtration is poor and the mixing is poor
- Semi synthetic liquid is used for CNC processing of product parts: advantages
1。 Cooling effect is better than emulsification effect.
2。 Better rust prevention
3。 Cleaner than emulsion.
4。 Better filtration performance
5。 More suitable for hard water and dirty oil. More suitable for hard water and dirty oil. The antibacterial effect is better than emulsion. Disadvantages:
1。 Blisters easily in soft water.
2。 Oil resistance is worse than synthetic liquid.
3。 At high concentrations, there may be a tendency to skin allergy
4。 Synthetic fluid used in CNC processing of product parts: advantages:
1。 Very clean.
2。 It doesn’t smell.
3。 Senior operator acceptance
4。 Low consumption (12-20 weeks)
5。 Excellent cooling performance. Figure 6. Completely refuse to spill oil. Low bubble 8. Long service life. Very good filtration / rapid sedimentation performance, disadvantages:
1。 Low physical lubrication
2。 Sewage treatment is difficult. A sticky residue, especially in hard water. Incompatible with emulsion. React with polycarbonate. It may damage the paint surface of the machine. Through the description of the cutting fluid used for CNC machining of the above various product parts, we can better understand them and be more clear about what kind of cutting fluid to choose.
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