There are 4 big chicken shops in the downstairs snack street of the company. The best thing to eat is Wang Ji. I am a vegetarian to it, the chicken soft road, the soft potato, the tender corn, and the tender corn, but it is the first to close the door in the latest year’s rent.
Is his business not good enough? The fact is that every time we have to leave early, we can have seats. The crux of the problem is that other families have takeaway. Only Wang Kei insists on his taste and refuses to cooperate with all takeaway businesses. But he didn’t know that the Chinese office owners were not too concerned about the perfect taste when they were busy. He also did not know how much he missed in the pursuit of taste and how much lunch he did not want to go out.
You sigh: the seller of conscience is so few, but I still don’t cherish it. Have you ever thought about the reason? High quality products cannot be opened up, because you do not know “sell” quality service!
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