Large caliber spiral tube diffuser

Large caliber spiral tube diffuser

At present, in China, the ductile iron pipe, plastic pipe (such as large caliber PVC tube), glass tube, prestressed concrete pipe, prestressed steel tube concrete pipe (PCCP), almost all of the buried pipes are connected with flexible interface, only the steel pipe line is also butted welding; in developed countries, such as the United States, buried water transfer steel. The preferred connection of the pipeline has also entered the flexible interface period. The butt welding has been a high cost interface, only under the harsh working conditions (more than 19 millimeters of steel pipe wall or more than 2.8Mpa of the pipeline working pressure). There is always part of the interface, which is difficult to guarantee the quality, which is the main cause of the pipeline burst accident. In order to solve the accident hidden trouble caused by the field butt welding, the Chinese counterparts have begun to pay attention to the flexible steel pipe interface. Therefore, it is entirely reasonable to say that the flexible interface is the best choice for the buried water pipeline, and it must be buried in water. The optimal selection of steel pipe line.

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