Maintenance of hardware processing mould

Maintenance of hardware processing mould

In the current industrial industry, hardware processing is widely used, so the utilization rate is still relatively large, but we all know that these molds will wear after a long time of use, which will lead to some failure problems in the later work and use process. At this time, our maintenance work can play a very good role, so let’s learn how to maintain the hardware processing mold?

  1. After using the hardware mold for a long time, we will find that it is necessary to grind the edge. After grinding, the edge surface needs to be demagnetized again. It can not be magnetic, otherwise it is easy to block.
  2. Check the fastening parts of the hardware mold and check whether the fastening parts are loose or damaged. If there are such cases, the method should be taken to replace the parts with the same specification; check whether the screws and fixed pins are loose, and whether they will jump out to burst the mold. If there is any looseness, lock them with a wrench.
  3. In the process of using the die, the punch is easy to break, bend and gnaw. The punching sleeve is generally gnawed. The damage of punch and punch sleeve also needs to be replaced with parts of the same specification.
  4. Check the tightness of the guide device, add lubricating oil to prevent the mold from overheating and scuffing; conduct anti rust treatment for the non production hardware mold.
  5. During the maintenance of pressing parts and unloading parts, attention should be paid to check whether the accessories of each part are damaged, and repair and update the damaged parts.

The above points are the maintenance methods of hardware processing molds. Good maintenance of molds can well extend our service life, which has many advantages, so we need to do a good job of maintenance. Today we will talk about it. If you want to know more information, please visit our website for detailed information

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