Tag Archive Description of cryogenic cold water circulating mechanism refrigerant

Description of cryogenic cold water circulating mechanism refrigerant

In the low temperature cold water circulating machine in Wuxi, the refrigerant is very necessary. So, what is the process of the refrigerant running in the cryogenic cold water circulating machine?

(1) the state of the refrigerant. In the whole condensation process, the state of the refrigerant is from the gaseous state – gas-liquid coexistence – liquid.
(2) the temperature of the refrigerant. If the ambient temperature of the cryogenic cold water circulating machine is 25 C, the temperature of the refrigerant in the condenser is close to about 90 degrees C, and the temperature of the final part is about 55. At the same time, the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the condenser should be influenced by other factors.
(3) the pressure of the refrigerant. Because the tube section of the condenser in the cold water circulating cooler is large enough for the flow of the refrigerant, the resistance is small, so the pressure of the process is basically the same as the pressure in the exhaust pipe of the compressor.
The next is the throttling of refrigerants: the throttling of refrigerants is accomplished in filters, capillary tubes, and tracheal tubes with capillary tubes.
(1) the state of the refrigerant. In the whole throttling process, the refrigerant’s state is always in the liquid state.
(2) the temperature of the refrigerant. The whole length of the capillary is almost all worn back to the trachea (or welded to the trachea), and the temperature of the refrigerant in the trachea is lower than the refrigerant in the capillary. Both of them flow again. Therefore, the capillary refrigerant of the cryogenic cold water circulating machine will continue to distribute heat while flowing to the evaporator and distribute the heat to the evaporator. The refrigerant in the trachea.
(3) the pressure of the refrigerant. The low temperature cold water circulation machine has a small inner diameter and a longer diameter, so that the refrigerant R12 flowing through the capillary can form corresponding pressure drop in the capillary tube. In order to maintain a certain pressure difference between the evaporator and the condenser.
This is the description of various forms of cold cold water cooling agent in operation, and the user can choose an environment-friendly refrigerant for the refrigerant of its own equipment.