There is no need to use electrodes in laser welding machine, there is no electrode pollution or damage concerns. And because it does not belong to the contact welding process, the wear and deformation of the machine can be minimized. The beam energy characteristics of laser welding machine mainly include the wavelength of laser beam and the power and power density of laser beam. The quality of the laser welding machine will directly affect the stability of the laser beam.
Laser power density plays a major role in laser welding. This is because there is a critical power density threshold for different materials. Only when the power density of the laser focus exceeds this threshold, can the keyhole be formed and the deep penetration welding be obtained. This is of great significance for CO2 laser beams with wavelength of 10.6 m. Because metal materials are strongly reflective of such wavelengths of laser beams. Such
When the laser beam is the base mode, the maximum weld depth to width ratio can be obtained. The higher the order of the beam mode, the more divergent the energy distribution of the laser beam, and the worse the welding quality. The influence of laser beam with different focusing characteristic parameter K on the quality of laser welding is studied. The larger the K value of laser beam, the worse the quality and the smaller the depth-width ratio of weld. The power density of porous materials depends not only on the average power density, but also on the maximum power density, which is closely related to the cross-sectional energy distribution.
The relationship between the quality of laser welding equipment and beam mode characteristics, beam mode characteristics include beam quality, beam mode and beam cross-sectional energy distribution. The beam pattern determines the energy distribution of the focused focus, which has an important influence on laser processing.
The quality of the laser welding machine affects the stability of the beam. For a laser welding machine with a fixed power and the same focus radius, the energy distribution of the cross section is different. Although the average power density is the same, the maximum power density is not the same.