When the existing testing equipment of automobile parts in stamping or injection molding can not meet the requirements of testing, it needs to use the inspection tool accessories. However, when planning reflection, it is necessary to analyze the part products of the inspection tool accessories, check whether the 3D digital model of the product is the same as the 2D drawing of the product. The original data of the 3D digital model of the product is the entity, still the piece. The following two points are for the entity or What are the differences in the design process of the inspection tool for the slice.
1、 When the original data of 3D digital analog of automobile product is entity (i.e. the product already has thickness), it is better to use the datum plane (or lap plane) of the product as an offset datum, or the datum plane marked on the GD & T drawing of the product as the offset plane. In the design of imitation block, there are not many phenomena of target selection, which are usually well mastered.
2、 When the original data of 3D digital analog of automobile product is a piece (i.e. the product is a surface without thickness), the target of product thickness must be studied. Once the thickness target is definitely wrong, or there is no target to study the thickness, the product can not be put into the inspection tool for detection, resulting in the scrap of the imitation block of the inspection tool accessories.
Therefore, in the process of the design of checking tool parts, it is very important to analyze the product of automobile parts, especially when the original data of the product is a piece, it should be very concerned.