The person who has his own degree is the day.
A man has gone through the rain to see the Guanyin umbrella. Guanyin said, “in the rain you are under the eaves, there is no rain under the eaves, you do not need it.” The man jumped out of the eaves and stood in the rain: “now I am in the rain, Bodhisattva”, “Guanyin said,” I am not caught in an umbrella because I am not myself, but I am an umbrella. You should find your own umbrella! “
Life is not always the eight or nine. If you live in this world, you will inevitably encounter some big or small ones. In the difficult position, how to get rid of, the most critical point is to have a heart of self.
Think carefully about how many times you once thought of a desperate situation as if you had gone through the clouds and gone with the wind. Life can’t be as good as you think, but it will not be as bad as you think. In your lifetime, your weakness and strength often exceed your imagination. Sometimes, you may be vulnerable to tears. Sometimes, I found myself walking a long way through my teeth.
See the rainbow after the wind and rain
Life is not about falling down, but running up and running. In the face of frustrations, the best way to live is to wait for the time to let nature take its course and to surpass yourself in quietness. As Zeng Guofan said, “knowing the sky is long and I am short of experience, I will turn my back on it, and I will wait for it.”
The real practice of life is to be honest and true, not to drift along or rely on others. Asking for help is better than asking yourself. You can only measure yourself when you are in trouble. Remember: before giving you the crown of success, luck will test you with adversity and see if your endurance and courage are enough.
Mandela wrote in the “free way”: the greatest glory in life is not to never fall, but to rise again after falling. I appreciate this kind of flexible life, happy experiences, and laughter.
The more plight, the more enlightened.