Wide application range of inclined mixer

Wide application range of inclined mixer

With the continuous development of the mixer industry, in order to meet the demand of the market, the inclined mixer can be adjusted according to the different properties of the material to meet the needs of the product and adjust the speed according to the needs of the product. This makes the application of tilting mixer wider and more applicable.
The inclined mixer is a mechanical equipment which integrates mixing and granulation. The mixing tool runs at high speed according to the principle of countercurrent. The counterforce of phase reverse makes the material scatter and mix again and again to achieve the purpose of mixing and uniform at a faster speed.

Advantages of inclined mixer
(1) tight assembly of machine assembly. The mixing gap between the mixing arm and the mixing tank is small, and the mixing and granulation without dead angle can be realized.
(2) the machine can be adjusted according to the performance of materials to meet the needs of materials. Granulator has a wide range of operation, and can be adapted to granulating various particles.
(3) using the countercurrent relative principle, the material can be extruded strongly, so that the material can be dispersed and mixed repeatedly, and the granulation is uniform.
(4) the material has a stable high quality, and the equipment can guide the flow rotor of the material in the barrel to make the full mixing of the material.
(5) the wear of the equipment is small, and it can save a lot of maintenance cost.
The inclined mixer is widely used in the field of refractory industry, building material, metallurgy, compound fertilizer, ceramics, fly ash, glass, casting, chemistry. With the continuous development of the mixer industry, the agitator technology is constantly updated. In order to adapt to the development of the market, the enterprise should not be able to do it. Continuous innovation, to automation, professional direction.

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