Classification of section steel

Classification of section steel

According to the different smelting quality of steel, the section steel is divided into ordinary section steel and high quality steel. According to the existing metal product catalog, ordinary section steel is also divided into large section steel, medium section steel and small section steel. Ordinary section steel can be divided into I-beam, channel steel, angle steel and round steel according to its section shape.

Large section steel: I-beam, channel steel, angle steel and flat steel are hot rolled in large section steel. Besides hot rolling, round steel, square steel and hexagonal steel are forged and cold drawn.

I-beam steel, channel steel and angle steel are widely used in industrial buildings and metal structures, such as factory buildings, bridges, ships, agricultural machinery and vehicles manufacturing, transmission towers, transport machinery, often used together. Flat steel is used as bridge, rack, fence, transmission ship, vehicle and so on at construction sites. Round steel and square steel are used for various mechanical parts, agricultural machinery parts, tools, etc.

Medium section steel: medium section steel with industrial, trough, corner, round and flat steel, which is similar to large section steel.

Small-sized steel: Small-sized steel, medium-angle, round, square and flat, similar in processing and use to large-sized steel, small-diameter round steel is often used as building steel bars.

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