Classification of Cast Iron Grates

Classification of Cast Iron Grates

Distinguish by material

It can be divided into four categories.

A. Metal well covers: cast iron, ductile iron, bronze well covers, etc.

B. High-strength steel fiber cement concrete well cover (cement-based composite material);

C. Recycled Resin Well Cover (Recycled Resin Matrix Composite);

D. Polymer Matrix Composite Material Inspection Well Cover, etc.


Composite material covers are divided into inorganic composite covers and organic composite covers.

The steel fiber reinforced concrete inspection covers are classified into four grades according to their bearing capacity: a, b, C and D.

Grade A steel fiber reinforced concrete inspection well cover is used for special roads and sites such as airports.

Grade B steel fiber reinforced concrete inspection covers are used for urban roads, highways and parking lots where motor vehicles are driving and parking.

Grade C steel fiber reinforced concrete inspection well cover is used for slow lane, passageway and sidewalk in residential area.

Grade D steel fiber reinforced concrete inspection well covers are used for green belts and roadways and sites where motor vehicles can not drive or park.

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