Generally in normal temperature processing, and do not cause changes in the chemical or physical phase of the workpiece, called cold processing. Generally, the processing above or below normal temperature will cause chemical or phase change of the workpiece, which is called hot processing. Cold working can be divided into cutting and pressure machining according to different machining methods. Hot working includes heat treatment, casting, casting and welding.
The technological functions of precision machining are as follows:
1. The accuracy of several shapes and orientations of parts can reach micron or angular second;
2. The tolerance of the boundary or feature dimension of the part is below micrometer;
3. The surface micro unevenness (average height difference of surface unevenness) of parts is less than 0.1 μ m;
4. Mutual fittings can meet the requirements of combining force;
5. Some of the parts can also meet the requirements of accurate mechanical or other physical characteristics, such as the torsional rigidity of the torsion bar of the float gyroscope, the rigidity coefficient of the flexible element, etc.
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