1、 Pause instruction
G04X(U)_ /P_ It refers to the tool pause time (feed stop, spindle does not stop), the value after address P or X is the pause time. The value after X should have a decimal point. Otherwise, it should be calculated by one thousandth of this value in seconds (s). The value after P cannot have a decimal point (i.e., an integer), and the unit is Ms.
For example, G04 x2.0; or G04 X2000; pause for 2 seconds
G04 P2000;
However, in some hole series processing instructions (such as g82, G88 and g89), in order to ensure the roughness of the hole bottom, when the tool is machined to the hole bottom, there should be a pause time. At this time, it can only be expressed by the address P. if the address x is used, the control system thinks that x is the x-axis coordinate value for execution.
For example, g82x100.0y100.0z-20.0r5.0f200p2000; drilling (100.0100.0) to the bottom of the hole for 2 seconds
G82x100.0y100.0z-20.0r5.0f200x2.0; drilling (2.0100.0) to the bottom of the hole will not be suspended.
2、 The difference and relation of M00, M01, M02 and M30
M00 is the program unconditional pause instruction. When the program is executed, the feed stops and the spindle stops. To restart the program, you must first return to the og state, press CW (spindle forward rotation) to start the spindle, and then return to the auto state and press the start key to start the program.
M01 is the program selective pause instruction. The op stop key on the control panel must be opened before the program is executed. The effect after execution is the same as that of M00. Restart the program as above.
M00 and M01 are often used in the inspection or chip removal of workpiece size in the process of machining.
M02 is the end instruction of main program. Execute this command, feed stop, spindle stop, coolant off. But the program cursor stops at the end of the program.
M30 is the main program end instruction. The function is the same as that of M02, except that the cursor returns to the program head position, regardless of whether there are other program segments after M30.
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