Feed path of finishing

Feed path of finishing

The feed route of finishing machining is basically carried out along the contour of the parts. Therefore, the key point of determining the feed route is to determine the feed route of rough machining and empty stroke. In the CNC lathe processing, the determination of the processing route should generally follow the following principles.

① It should be able to ensure the accuracy and surface roughness of the workpiece to be processed.

② The processing route is shortest, the idle travel time is reduced, and the processing efficiency is improved.

③ The workload of numerical calculation should be simplified as much as possible.

④ For some repeated programs, subroutines should be used.

Advantages and disadvantages of CNC CNC CNC machining has the following advantages:

① The number of tooling is greatly reduced, and complex tooling is not needed to process complex parts. If we want to change the shape and size of the parts, we only need to modify the processing program of the parts, which is suitable for the development and modification of new products.

② The machining quality is stable, the machining accuracy is high, and the repetition accuracy is high, which can meet the machining requirements of aircraft.

③ In the case of multi variety and small batch production, the production efficiency is high, which can reduce the time of production preparation, machine adjustment and process inspection, and reduce the cutting time due to the use of the best cutting quantity.

④ It can process complex surface which is difficult to be processed by conventional methods, and even process some parts which cannot be observed.

The disadvantage of NC machining is the high cost of machine tools and equipment, which requires high level of maintenance personnel.

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