1) Computer numerical control (CNC) uses computer to control processing function to realize numerical control. 2) Axis (axis) the reference direction along which parts of a machine tool can move in a straight line or in a rotary motion. 3) The machine coordinate system is a Cartesian coordinate system fixed on the machine tool and based on the zero point of the machine tool. 4) The machine coordinate origin is the origin of the machine coordinate system. 5) The workpiece coordinate system is a Cartesian coordinate system fixed on the workpiece. 6) The origin of the workpiece coordinate system. 7) Machine zero is defined by the machine manufacturer. 8) A fixed point along the coordinate axis used for starting a machine tool. It can use the origin of the machine coordinate as the reference datum. 9) The straight line distance or angle between absolute dimension / absolute coordinates and the origin of a coordinate system. 10) Incremental dimension / incremental coordinates the distance or angle between each point and the previous point in the increment of a sequence of points. 11) Minimum input increment is the smallest increment unit that can be input in the processing program. 12) Minimum command increment is the minimum increment unit of the coordinate axis movement of the command issued by the numerical control device. 13) Interpolation is the operation process of determining the position coordinates of multiple intermediate points between two known points on the required path or contour line according to a certain mathematical function (such as line, arc or higher-order function). 14) This is an interpolation method. In this way, the interpolation between two points is approached along the point group of the line, and the motion of the tool is controlled along this line. 15) Circular interpolation (Circular: interpolation) this is an interpolation method. In this way, according to the interpolation digital information between the two ends, the point group approaching the actual arc is calculated, and the tool movement along these points is controlled to process the arc curve. 16) The tool reference point of clockwise arc is a path formed by rotating the tool reference point around the track center and rotating in the negative angle direction. 17) the tool reference point of counter clockwise arc rotates around the track center and rotates in the positive angle direction. 18) Manual part progranmiog (manual part progranmiog) is used to make the part processing program manually. 19) Computer part prograrrnrnlng (computer part prograrrnrnlng) uses a computer and appropriate general processing program and post-processing program to prepare the part program and obtain the processing program. 20) Absolute prograrming is programmed with control words representing absolute dimensions. 21) increment programming uses the control word representing the increment size to program. 22) a set of element symbols used to represent an organization or control of data. 23) the control character appears in the specific information text and represents the character of a certain control function. Address a character or group of characters at the beginning of a control word to identify data that follows. 25) block format the arrangement of words, characters and data in a block. 26) instruction code / machine code computer instruction code, machine language, used to represent the instructions in the instruction set. 27) program number is the number assigned at the front end of each program when the program is identified by a number. 28) program name is the name assigned to each program when the program is identified by its name. Command mode. 31) part program is a sequential instruction set written in a certain language or format in order to make automatic operation effective. Part program is written on the input medium processing program, can also be prepared for the computer input, after processing to get the processing program. In the automatic machining control system, a sequential instruction set written in automatic control language and format. These instructions are recorded on the appropriate input medium and can be operated directly. 33) end of program refers to the auxiliary function for the end of workpiece processing 34) the auxiliary function that makes the spindle function and other functions (such as cooling function) be deleted after all commands in the end of data program section are executed. After all the commands of progrm stop program section are executed, the spindle function and other functions are deleted, and the subsequent auxiliary functions of data processing are terminated. 36) preparatory function is a command that enables the machine tool or control system to establish a machining function mode. 37) miscellaneus A command that controls the switching function of a machine tool or system. 38) tool function