CNC machining center spindle does not rotate

CNC machining center spindle does not rotate

As the saying goes, details determine the success or failure, so we should pay attention to the details and know the specific operation method when CNC processing, so as not to affect our work. When we find problems in the process of use, we should solve them in time, so as not to cause trouble to our work. Today, I’d like to learn how to do if the spindle of CNC machining center does not rotate, as follows:

  1. First of all, we should know whether we can see the parameters after 9000, and if we can see them, whether the parameters are needed. I have encountered such a situation, it is 0i-MC system, all axes are normal, that is, the main shaft does not rotate. Later, we changed the parameters after 9000.
  2. There was an oi-m in the previous unit which had a similar situation. Finally, it was found that the pneumatic valve of the tool arm was stuck. After the tool change was completed, the tool arm should be ready for the next knife, but the knife arm was not put down, and there was no alarm. After the valve was replaced, it was OK. And whether there is a hydraulic fixture, the fixture is not tightened, or the clamping signal is disconnected.
  3. Take a look at the spindle monitoring, turn the spindle by hand to see if there is any value? Is the value correct? Once encountered, there is no alarm, the spindle does not rotate. No monitoring value. Adjust the interval. Or replace it with a new one.

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