What aspects need to be monitored during CNC processing? Let’s have a brief understanding:
- Monitoring of rough machining
Machining process monitoring and rough machining focuses on the rapid removal of surplus on the workpiece surface. In the process of automatic machining, according to the set cutting parameters, the tool automatically cuts according to the predetermined cutting path. At this time, the operator should pay attention to the change of cutting load in the automatic machining process through the cutting load table, adjust the cutting parameters according to the receiving force of the cutting tool, and develop the maximum efficiency of the machine tool.
- Monitoring of cutting sound
Monitoring of cutting sound in the process of automatic cutting, the sound of cutting tool cutting workpiece is stable, continuous and light, and the activity of the machine tool is stable. With the cutting process going on, when there are hard points on the workpiece or tool wear or tool clamping, the cutting process will be unstable. The instability is that the cutting sound changes, and the tool and workpiece will collide with each other, causing a sensation in the machine tool. At this time, the cutting parameters and cutting conditions should be adjusted quickly. When the adjustment effect is not obvious, the machine tool should be suspended to check the cutting tool and workpiece.
- Monitoring of finish machining
Finish machining process monitoring finishing, mainly to ensure the machining size and surface quality of the workpiece, high cutting speed and large feed rate. At this time, attention should be paid to the effect of chip accretion on the machined surface. For cavity machining, we should also pay attention to the over cutting and tool passing at the corner. In dealing with the above problems, the first is to adjust the spray position of cutting fluid to keep the machined surface in cooling condition at all times; the second is to pay attention to the quality of the machined surface of the workpiece. After adjusting the cutting amount, the quality change can be prevented as much as possible. If the adjustment still has no obvious effect, it should stop to check whether the original procedure is correct. Special attention should be paid to the tool position when the inspection is suspended or stopped. If the tool stops in the process of cutting, the spindle suddenly stops rotating, which will cause tool marks on the surface of the workpiece. In general, the shutdown should be studied when the tool is out of the cutting form.
- Tool monitoring
The quality of the tool is very high, which determines the machining quality of the workpiece. In the process of automatic machining and cutting, the normal wear and abnormal damage of cutting tools should be inferred by means of sound monitoring, cutting time control, suspension inspection during cutting and workpiece surface analysis. According to the processing requirements, the cutting tools should be treated quickly to prevent the processing quality problems caused by the cutting tools not being handled in a hurry.
The above is CNC processing need to monitor several aspects, hope to help you.
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