Due to the increasing diversification of product demand, the acceleration of renewal and the shortening of product life cycle, multi-type mass production has become the mainstream of production shape in mechanical manufacturing industry. Therefore, the flexibility requirements for automatic processing equipment are higher and higher. For the automatic processing system used for small and medium-sized batch production, we should consider making it have the following functions.
- The function of actively changing the processing sequence is related to automatic processing equipment. One or a group of electronic accounting machines can be set, which can make the system have the demand for production according to different products. Under the condition of continuous machine, it is convenient to quickly and actively change the task sequence of various equipment and reduce the re adjustment time of the system.
- The function of actively completing the processing of multiple products or parts. The transportation system and processing system of workpiece and accompanying fixture set in the processing system have considerable universality and high initiative sequence, so that the whole system can actively complete the processing of multiple products or parts on the basis of group skills.
- A highly flexible processing system for the function of processing sequence and production rhythm according to local conditions shall have the function of random transformation of process sequence and production rhythm of various product parts.
- High efficiency active machining and active tool change technology. The CNC machine tool with tool magazine and active tool change installation can make the system have high efficiency active machining and active tool change function.
- The active monitoring and fault diagnosis function sets up the active inspection, monitoring and fault diagnosis installation of the production process, and then improves the task reliability of the equipment and reduces downtime and waste damage.
ken. tang@chengcg.com
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