Reasons for uneven cutting tools in CNC machining

Reasons for uneven cutting tools in CNC machining

In the process of processing, there will be a variety of problems, these problems are often occurred, may be because we do not operate well in the process of operation, caused by CNC machining is the same, so what are the causes of CNC machining tool imbalance?

The main reason for CNC machining is that the tool design is asymmetric, there are defects in the tool body, and all the adjustment of the tool. The correct balance of the tool can significantly reduce noise and vibration, which increases the tool life and improves the accuracy consistency of parts.

The centrifugal force of CNC machining center is proportional to the square of velocity to amplify the vibration caused by unbalance. The vibration increase of CNC machining center caused by the machining center minimizes the service life of bearing bush, bearing, shaft, spindle and gear.

Before balancing the tool in CNC machining center, it is necessary to measure the unbalance and the angle position of each selected correction plane. These variables are measured on two general types of balancing machines: non rotating or gravity machines are used to measure single plane unbalance, while rotary or centrifuge is used to measure single plane or two plane unbalance.

After measuring the magnitude and angle of the unbalance in the correct plane, you can correct it by adding or removing material from the workpiece. For the components which are not tools, the most widely used material adding method of drilling center is welding counterweight on the components

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