Sheet metal processing is sometimes used for pulling metal processing. Generally, some metal sheets are pressed by hand or die to produce plastic deformation, forming the desired shape and size, and further forming more complex parts through welding or a small amount of machining, such as the chimney commonly used in the family, tin furnace, and automobile shell are sheet metal parts. Sheet metal processing is called sheet metal processing. For example, using plates to make chimneys, iron buckets, oil tanks, ventilation pipes, elbows, Tianyuan places, funnel-shaped and so on. The main processes are cutting, bending and buckling, bending and forming, welding, riveting and so on, which requires certain geometric knowledge. Sheet metal parts are sheet metal parts, which can be processed by stamping, bending, stretching and other means. A general definition is the parts with constant thickness in the process of processing. The corresponding parts are casting parts, forging parts, machining parts, etc. for example, the outer iron shell of the car is sheet metal parts, and some cabinets made of stainless steel are sheet metal parts..
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