Spindle drive mode of machining center

Spindle drive mode of machining center

CNC system is the control core of machining center, which is equivalent to human brain. The spindle of machining center is equivalent to human heart, which is the source of main processing power of machining center. To sum up, the spindle of machining center is essential, so the selection of spindle must be careful. There are four kinds of main shaft transmission structures, which have different characteristics and speed.

What is the main shaft drive structure of machining center and its speed and characteristics

There are four kinds of spindle of machining center according to the transmission structure, which are gear drive spindle, belt drive spindle, direct connection spindle and electric main power. These four kinds are common in the market. These four kinds of transmission structure spindle speed and characteristics are different, each has its own advantages. Gear drive spindle: its speed is generally 6000r / min, and its rigidity is good and it is suitable for heavy cutting occasions. Its main shaft is generally equipped with multi head machine tools; belt drive spindle: its speed is 8000 R / min, simple structure, easy production, strong buffer capacity, effective protection of spindle in case of spindle overload; direct spindle: its spindle and motor are connected through coupling Drive, large distortion, low energy consumption, its speed is more than 12000r / min, this kind of spindle is generally used in high-speed machining center; motorized spindle: the spindle and motor are integrated, the motor is the spindle, the spindle is the motor, it can be said that the spindle and motor are integrated into one, the transmission chain of this spindle is almost zero, and the spindle speed is between 18000-40000 R / min, and higher For example, maglev bearing and hydrostatic bearing are used in motorized spindle bearing of foreign advanced countries, and its speed can reach 100000r / min. this kind of spindle is generally used in high-speed machining center;

What are the common transmission structure spindles used in machining centers

There are three kinds of spindle with the above four kinds of transmission structure commonly used in machining center, which are belt drive spindle, straight spindle and motorized spindle. These three kinds of transmission structure spindle are commonly used in machining center, while gear drive spindle is rarely used in machining center, but there are also some, such as those used in multi head machining center. Belt drive spindle is generally used in small machining centers and large machining centers, while straight spindle and motorized spindle are commonly used in high-speed machining centers.

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