It is inevitable that the machine breaks down. Here we provide the common problems and make relevant diagnosis reasons
1、 Emergency stop or over travel:
- The emergency stop button is pressed;
- The main shaft has over travel;
2、 Spindle retraction tool uncertainty:
- The limit switch of knife clamping and loosening is “1” or “0”;
- No oxygen pressure source phenomenon;
3、 Cutting fluid motor overload:
- Cutting fluid motor failure;
- Cutting fluid overload discharge fault or contact wiring error;
4、 Abnormal spindle:
- Inverter fault or contact error.
5、 Abnormal tool life:
- Tool life has expired.
6、 Low lubricating oil level:
- There is too little oil in the lubricating oil tank.
7、 Controller battery abnormal:
- The controller battery has no power.
8、 Motor overload:
- ATC motor failure;
- ATC overload discharge failure or contact wiring error.
9、 Working door open:
- In automatic mode, the working door is opened;
10、 Incorrect ATC position:
- The detector signal of ATC tool changing arm is “1” or “0” at the same time;
- There is no pressure source phenomenon.
11、 The spindle is not at the second source point:
- The tool change of the spindle is not on the tool change point;
12、 Spindle overheating:
- The spindle cooler is abnormal.
13、 Spindle not positioned:
- The spindle is not on the positioning point when changing tool.
14、 Spindle not at first source point:
- The spindle is not on the first source point when taking tool.
15、 Return to source point:
- Emergency stop action has been executed after startup.
16、 Spindle cannot rotate:
- When the spindle is loose, the spindle cannot rotate.
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