In a processing, there will be a variety of processes, these processes, are to make processing products, change better method, hardware processing is the same, it also has a variety of processes, so what are the surface treatment processes of hardware processing?
Hardware processing: surface processing can be divided into: Hardware spray painting processing, electroplating, surface polishing processing, metal corrosion processing and so on.
- Spray paint processing: now the hardware factory in the production of large hardware products are used in the spray painting process, through the spray painting process to prevent the hardware from rusting, such as: daily necessities, electrical shell, handicrafts, etc.
Dongguan Hardware processing
- Electroplating: electroplating is also the most extensive processing technology of hardware processing. Through modern technology, the appearance of hardware parts is electroplated to ensure that the product will not mildew and rust under long-term use. The common electroplating processes are: screws, stamping parts, batteries, car parts, accessories and so on.
- Surface polishing processing: surface polishing processing is generally used in daily necessities for a long time. After surface burring treatment of hardware products, for example, we produce a comb, the comb is made of hardware by stamping, then the edge of the comb is very sharp, we have to polish the sharp part of the corner into a lubricating face, so in operation In the process of using, it will not cause harm to human body.
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