wo travelling angels lodge at a wealthy family. The family was not friendly to them, and refused to let them spend the night in the comfortable guest bedroom. Instead, they found a corner in the cold basement. When they made the bed, the older angel found a hole in the wall and repaired it by hand. The young angel asked why. The old angel replied, “something is not what it looks like.”
Second nights, two people went to a very poor farm to stay overnight. The host and his wife were very enthusiastic about them, took out the only little food they had, entertained the guests, and then gave up their beds to two angels. Second early in the morning, two angels found that the farmer and his wife were crying. Their only source of life – a cow died. The young angel was very angry, and he asked the old Angel why, the first family had everything, the old Angel helped them mend the wall, and the second families, though so poor, entertained the guests, and the old angels did not stop the cow’s death.
“Some things don’t look like that. The old angel replied, “when we spent the night in the basement, I saw from the wall hole that the walls were full of gold bullion. Because the owner was confused by greed and unwilling to share his wealth, I filled the hole in the wall. Last night, the God of death came to call the farmer’s wife, and I replaced the cow with her. So there’s something that doesn’t look like it looks like.
Small story: sometimes the surface of things is not what they really should be. If you have faith, you only need to believe that giving is always rewarded. You may not find it until later…
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