For the machinery industry, the substances they most often contact are a series of parts and components. No matter which style or type, they will be familiar with and know more or less. The staff in the relevant industry know what kind of parts are used in which structure or application position. However, no matter which configuration, it needs to go through certain processing steps before it can be implemented in specific mechanical equipment. Therefore, professionals call this step precision part machining.
There are many ways to process precision parts, such as heat treatment. Part refers to a single piece that cannot be separated in machinery. It is not only the basic element of the machine, but also the basic unit in the process of mechanical manufacturing. Its manufacturing process generally does not need assembly process. Such as bearing sleeve, bearing bush, nut, crankshaft, blade, gear, cam, connecting rod body, connecting rod head, etc.
1、 Precision parts machining. It mainly includes precision turning, mirror grinding and grinding. Micro turning is carried out on a precision lathe with a finely ground single crystal diamond turning tool. The cutting thickness is only about 1 micron. It is often used to process high-precision and highly smooth parts such as spherical, aspherical and planar mirrors of non-ferrous metal materials.
2、 Precision parts processing. When the machining accuracy of precision parts is nano, or even finally atomic units (atomic lattice distance is 0.1 ~ 0.2 nm), the machining method of ultra precision parts can not adapt. It is necessary to use the machining method of special precision parts, that is, the application of chemical energy, electrochemical energy, thermal energy or electric energy to make these energy exceed the combined energy between atoms, So as to remove the adhesion, combination or lattice deformation between some atoms on the surface of the workpiece, so as to achieve the purpose of ultra precision machining. These processes include mechanochemical polishing, ion sputtering and ion implantation, electron beam exposure, laser beam processing, metal evaporation and molecular beam epitaxy.